Upgrading My Transportation
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Upgrading My Transportation

After driving an old, beat-up car for years, I finally made the decision to upgrade my transportation. I had set aside a little money every month to use as a down payment, and I was ready to make a new car my own. I searched loads of car dealerships in my area, but one business stood out to me in particular. The salespeople were kind and not pushy, and they had a reputation for fair deals. I worked with them to find the right car, and the paperwork was a breeze. This blog is all about upgrading your transportation, and why you shouldn't be afraid to take the plunge.

Upgrading My Transportation

Planning A Night On The Town? Carry These Important Phone Numbers

Lauri Kivela

An innocent evening of fun can sometimes yield more "entertainment" than you bargained for, ranging from lost keys to emergency room visits. But while you can't always predict every circumstance you might face during a Friday night out on the town, you can equip yourself in advance with quick access to helpful resources. Here are some professionals and organizations whose contact information you'll want to keep with you.

Your Taxi Service

While you might never choose to drive drunk or otherwise impaired when your mind is functioning properly, you can't count on your ability to make smart choices when under the influence. Alcohol is especially notorious for affecting judgement even at relatively low levels of consumption, while in most states the legal limit is low enough to make even a few drinks problematic for drivers, depending on their body weight.

That's why it pays to have the number of your local taxi service on you at all times. Even if your pub or restaurant is willing to call a taxi cab for you, the staff might not be aware of your degree of impairment. Of course, you might not be aware of it either -- so make sure to tell your companions that you're carrying this information so they can call that number at their discretion. For more information, contact a taxi service like White Top Cab Company.

Your Locksmith

In the flurry of excitement, silliness and general chaos that often accompanies a night on the town with friends, it's all too easy for your keys to wind up in the wrong place -- locked inside your car, stuffed into a jacket left behind in a taxi cab, or vanished mysteriously into parts unknown. In any of these scenarios, you're pretty much stuck where you are unless you can summon the aid of your friendly neighborhood locksmith quickly and easily.

The smartest way to hire a locksmith is to make your selection in advance and at your leisure, storing the number for later use. Yes, you can whip out your mobile device right then and there to search the Web for a locksmith if you're so inclined. But without spending the necessary time to research your choices, you might make costly mistakes (such as summoning a locksmith who isn't insured, licensed or bonded, leaving you on the hook for any incidental damage to your door). Doing your homework beforehand will help you make the right call in more ways than one.

Your Health Insurance

There's always the chance that your busy evening might conclude, not in the peace and quiet of your home, but in a hospital or urgent care facility. No one wants to consider the notion of being mugged, falling down a club's front steps or getting punched by a belligerent drunk, but these things can and do happen. Do you know your health insurance ID number and provider's contact information by heart? If not, check your wallet right now to make certain that you're carrying your health insurance card. When you walk into the treatment facility, the last thing you'll want to deal with is a big hassle over your coverage or payment options.

Your Roadside Assistance Service

One clear advantage of relying on a taxi service instead is the fact that you don't have to worry about your own car breaking down on the road or refusing to start when you're ready for your evening to end. If you're serving as your own chauffeur on your nights out, you should subscribe to a roadside assistance service and keep that service's number handy in case of trouble. Roadside assistance is available as standalone annual services or as part of other services such as a cellular plan.

In addition to carrying the number on your person, it may also make sense to keep a copy of it in your glove compartment, especially if others drive your vehicle from time to time. Phone-based roadside assistance services extend their coverage to the user of the phone, not the owner of the car. This means that if you let a friend of family member borrow both your car and your cell phone, that person can use your roadside assistance service if necessary.

A fun night out is even more fun when you don't have to worry about "what if" scenarios. Prepare yourself by keeping a few strategic phone numbers on hand, and you can enjoy your evening with peace of mind.
