Upgrading My Transportation
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Upgrading My Transportation

After driving an old, beat-up car for years, I finally made the decision to upgrade my transportation. I had set aside a little money every month to use as a down payment, and I was ready to make a new car my own. I searched loads of car dealerships in my area, but one business stood out to me in particular. The salespeople were kind and not pushy, and they had a reputation for fair deals. I worked with them to find the right car, and the paperwork was a breeze. This blog is all about upgrading your transportation, and why you shouldn't be afraid to take the plunge.

Upgrading My Transportation

  • 3 Reasons To Charter A Private Jet

    11 April 2017

    One of the best ways to fly is to charter a private jet because of the various ways in which it can save you a lot of time and spare you the hassle of dealing with a commercial airline. Listed below are three reasons to charter a private jet. Less Hectic Boarding Process One of the biggest reasons to charter a private jet is to completely get away from the hectic boarding process that can often accompany a trip with a major airline.

  • Not Just Yellow Cab Anymore: Identifying Taxis In The U.S.

    31 March 2017

    At one time, when cabs were horse-drawn vehicles for those that could pay to ride, the "cabs" were all black. Fast-forward about seventy years, and now your taxi cabs are yellow. There was just one problem with the iconic yellow cab; you did not know which taxi company the cabs worked for. So, cabs and cab companies began to diversify and personalize their vehicles. Now, taxi cabs could be any color at all.

  • Three Fun Ways For A Junior Sports Team To Use A Car Service

    20 March 2017

    As the owner of a junior sports franchise, you have the dual goal of having your team succeed in competition, while also providing a fan-friendly environment within the community. Regardless of your team's sport, it's important to partner with local businesses and form mutually beneficial relationships. If a car service operates in your city, you may wish to consider partnering with it and using its vehicles in a variety of ways.

  • Planning a Road Trip with a Rental? Ask About These 3 Options

    8 March 2017

    As warmer weather and vacation season approach, you might be thinking of acting on that urge to plan a road trip. However, all that mileage can wear down your car, so renting one might be better. But before you simply grab a car and go, be sure that your road-trip plans won't clash with the rental car rules. Be positive, though; even if you find that something you want to do isn't allowed by the basic contract, there are often modifications you can make that will transform the rental into the exact car that is right for you and your trip.

  • Renting A Party Bus For A Bachelorette Party? These Tips Guarantee A Fun Time!

    19 February 2016

    Renting a party bus is a great way to get from place to place on a bachelorette party night! You don't have to worry about anyone driving under the influence, and you don't have to divide the girls between cars, either. With a party bus, the ride from place to place becomes part of the fun. As the girl in charge of planning the bride-to-be's crazy night on the town, follow these tips to make it an enjoyable as possible.